If you’re using Humminbird AutoChart and haven’t invested in the Zero Lines SD Card keep reading and don’t make the same mistakes I did!
I’ve loved Humminbird’s AutoChart Live feature since the moment it was released. It’s just awesome.
Then when you add the latest improvements of mapping bottom hardness and vegetation it only gets better from there.
I really messed up by not investing in the Humminbird Zero Lines SD Card when I first started using this feature though.
Here’s The Video
Watch the video below and then check out the article for even more details!
Why AutoChart Live?
There’s a few reasons I love the AutoChart Live features, and they’re all help me catch more catfish!
First and foremost, when I find areas that are really productive for catfish I spend the time to map these areas with AutoChart Live. This gives me super accurate maps for these areas and also quite often reveals some hidden secrets to why these areas hold fish that I didn’t see on other mapping cards.
Next, the bottom hardness and vegetation mapping features! These can also unlock some hidden gems when it comes to locating and catching more catfish (or any species of fish for that matter).
Finally, the first two reasons above combined with the “follow the contour” features available with Minn Kota i-Pilot Link are a game changer when it comes to precision catfishing (and the newest spot-lock accuracy is as well).
Bottom line… AutoChart Live is an amazing technology that helps me better understand the waters I’m fishing, find more fish and do so with ease and at the end of the day it helps me catch more fish!
I’ve Been Using AutoChart Live All Wrong!
There’s a problem though, I’ve been doing it all wrong which has meant a lot of wasted time, fuel, energy and money!
I began using the AutoChart Live feature since it was first released. Since then I’ve swapped my SeaArk ProCat 240 several times and changed my fish finders out several times switching from Onix to Helix G2N and then to Solix. Each time I’ve swapped my Humminbird I’ve lost all the data and had to start over from the beginning.
When running the Helix 12 G2N I began heavily using the AutoChart Live features and did a lot of mapping. I filled up the eight hour capacity of the Helix and then ultimately lost all of that data when I sold the unit so I was back at ground zero.
When I installed the Humminbird Solix 15 I purchased The Humminbird Zero Lines SD Card to make sure I didn’t lose all my data once again and then realized quickly I made some big mistakes in the past, I could have easily saved my data from the old units with the AutoChart Zero Lines card.
I thought you needed to have the card in the Humminbird unit to save the data as it was being recorded but I was wrong. I learned this the instant I inserted the AutoChart Zero Lines card in my Solix 15 (and I could have easily saved all that work I put in with my other units).
What Is The Humminbird Zero Lines SD?
It’s an SD Card (one of those little cards like you use in a camera).
The card goes in your Humminbird Fish Finder and stores the AutoChart data.
It also increases your AutoChart Live storage time from 8 hours of recording on the internal storage to nearly unlimited hours of recording storage on the AutoChart Zero Lines card.
The end result, more recording storage, data backup and the ability to use the data between other Humminbird units.
How Does Humminbird Zero Lines SD Work?
You can record the AutoChart Live data on the internal storage on your Humminbird unit or directly to the Zero Lines Card.
If you’ve already recorded data on your Humminbird then you simply insert the AutoChart Zero Lines SD Card in your Humminbird and a message pops up on screen notifying you that all of the internally stored data will be transferred to the card! Backup complete!
From there you can remove the card, resume recording data internally or simply leave the card in the Humminbird unit to record the data directly to the card (and have immediate access to the AutoChart overlays).
If I’d done this when I first started using the AutoChart Live feature I would have saved 24 hours of time on the water mapping the same areas over and over again and could have focused that time and energy on charting new areas!
The Bottom Line
If you’re going to use the AutoChart Live feature (which I suggest you do) then the AutoChart Zero Lines card is a good investment, not only for increasing your storage capacity but also to backup your data!
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