In 2013 when we first made our plans for Catfish Edge public one of things we promised was that we had big plans and Catfish Edge was something new and unique to the sport of fishing for catfish.
It’s been a long rocky road to get where we are today that’s been filled with bumps, bruises and pains along the way but the time has finally come to start telling the world about Catfish Edge.
Over the next few days we’ll be sharing the story of how Catfish Edge was born and what we’ll be doing in the future. There’s still a lot of work to be done to reach the end goal but until then we’ll be working away to give you the edge. You’re going to begin seeing a lot more of what we’ve done in the past, providing you with the best tips, tricks, information and techniques to help you catch more and bigger catfish. It might be done in a way that you’ve not seen in the past but the end goal is the same, to give you the edge.
Yesterday we released a free eBook, Seven Winter Catfishing Tips To Catch More Catfish so be sure to download a free copy here.
The Catfish Edge Trailer – Cutting Edge Catfishing
We’ve put together a short video trailer that’s a good representation of Catfish Edge and what the future looks like.
2017 Catfish Edge Catfishing Video Bumper
Our old video bumper (shown above) was getting a little old and stale (and was always a little too long) so we’ve put together a brand new video bumper for 2017.
Check it out below.