A big “thank you” to everyone who listened in on the first episode of the Catfish Edge podcast and for all the positive comments and feedback
Since so many people have asked after we released the first show, I wanted to let you know that the Catfish Edge podcast has now landed in iTunes and spent much of the week last week as the #1 Outdoor Podcast. Thanks again to all of you for that!
You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes but also make sure you subscribe to Catfish Edge by email so you’ll get all of the exclusive insider information from us.
After you’ve listened to Episode One, please consider leaving a rating and comment for the show in iTunes.
The podcast ratings and comments system is the main way that iTunes empowers podcast listeners to “vote” for the shows they like. When you leave a rating or comment in iTunes it tells iTunes that people enjoy it so they make it more visible in the iTunes store which in turn gets more people listening!
We’ll see you soon for Episode Two!